The legacies of the great Rocky Roy Miller

Gold Coast Titans Bid Team 2007.
Left to Right: Geoff Smith, Michael Searle, Paul Broughton, Rocky Miller, Ian Buchanan, Paul Wyatt
Vale: Roy “the Rock” Miller -the foundation for a new Golden Era for the city of Gold Coast 1999 – 2008
When the history of the Gold Coast, is accurately recorded, it is unlikely that anyone will feature as having had more impact on our city in the shortest space of time, than the iconic Roy, “Rocky” Miller. His sad passing last week is a great loss not only to his family and friends but also the Gold Coast.
Roy’s arrival on the Gold Coast in 1999 as MD for the Gold Coast Bulletin heralded a massive tectonic shift in the future direction of our city.
After a successful high-profile career as editor of the Sydney Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph one would have expected Roy ease back and accept this new role as a step to semi-retirement and enjoy the lifestyle of the Gold Coast. But “resting on one’s laurels” was not in Rocky’s DNA. He loved the challenges and opportunities open to the Gold Coast which were at the time of his arrival being squandered.
Through the Gold Coast Bulletin Rocky challenged its citizens to appreciate that they lived in the sixth largest city in Australia and take responsibility for their destiny and what they wanted Gold Coast to be.
One of Rocky greatest legacies was the Titans and Cbus stadium. He was instrumental in not only securing an NRL licence for the Titans in 2005 but also the construction of a world class stadium at Robina working behind the scenes with the NRL and State Government. This then created the catalyst for the AFL to “fast track” their expansion plans in Queensland by having the State Government relinquish “the GABBA Agreement” and granting an AFL licence to the Suns and the construction of another world class stadium.
The” ripple effect” of this was the ability for our city to host the Commonwealth Games in 2018.
Rocky during his reign at the Bulletin brought the business community closer and was the catalyst in the debate on the key issues facing the future of our city. He joined with Steve Cavalier and the then Manager of SeaFM and Gold Radio Rob Molhoek (now State Member for Southport) in the establishment of the Gold Coast Community Fund which to date has raised over $5.2 million for Gold Coast families in need.
Rocky also joined the Boards of the Gold Coast Eisteddfod (now the largest and longest running Eisteddfod in Australia) and the Gold Coast Sporting Hall of Fame.
On the business front his legacy as Managing Director was also outstanding growing the Gold Coast Bulletin from a staff of circa 300 to 600 in 8 years; generating a net profit each week of $1m and installing a $40m printing machine reputed at the time to be the biggest and best in southeast Asia.
Rocky sought no recognition, but he did have the satisfaction of ensuring that the Titans first game in the NRL was played against his beloved St George Dragons before a crowd of 47,000 at Suncorp in 2007.
Despite achieving all the above and much more during the span of his career from “copy boy” to Editor to Managing Director in a tough demanding industry his greatest legacy was his 55-year marriage to Lyn and his daughters Jacki, Jodi and Kristi and 6 grandchildren.
The Gold Coast needs more Rocky Millers.